Nordiska Museet

 The Nordiska Museet is hailed as 'a great way to understand the Swedes', as it takes its visitors through the entire background of Swedish culture. Whilst the exterior is pretty overwhelming, the interior is broken down into easy-to-manage exhibits ranging from the power of fashion to table settings. 

The 1950's exhibition was a highlight as it curated works from all elements of society, with an obvious weight towards fashion. It spoke about clothing and its cultural importance in a non-superficial way and fully explained the history behind pieces. Interiors and small trinkets added depth to the exhibit to give a real representation of the 1950's in Sweden. 

It was unbelievably refreshing to see the emphasis on women's history being documented closely alongside Swedish history in general. A piece focusing on the importance of feminism and its relevance within the culture was particularly interesting. Three Swedish influencers were interviewed about the differences between the 1950's and progressing towards 2050, much of the discussion fell to liberation within society and the huge shifts in gender roles. This piece underlined the general vibe that we found within Stockholm; experiencing a culture that excepts equality as a whole and our generally welcoming interactions. 

Other displays included lighting and its significance within Swedish interior design alongside its history which was surprisingly insightful. The museum doesn't centre around one particular medium such as fashion or history which made for a very varied trip and certainly catered for a lot of different interests in culture. 

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