Why Stockholm?
Why Stockholm? Very simply, because it's the best at what it does. It's inspiring, considered, well designed, creative and environmentally conscious.
Stockholm is also home to some of the biggest names in fashion, with a big focus of our trip being on the H&M family. We were lucky enough to visit the head office (more on that in another post) and took a store tour of H&M, Weekday/Cheap Monday, Monki, Cos and &otherstories.
We also made friends with Carlings, in their MAD (Music, Art and Denim) monochrome, pop-up shop.
They are also an incredibly sustainable and ethical company, sourcing fabrics and products that do good - just another reason why we should be looking to Stockholm for fashion advice.
The city is infused with it's own sense of style, from the colour of the buildings, the chic yet cool fashions, the minimal and considered interiors and furniture and the use of "art" everywhere you go. The TBana (tube line) is an art work in itself.
I can't think of a better place to learn about how to do things right on every level. Now to bring it all home and see what we can make of it.